Екатерина Варнава рассказала о детстве и отношениях с родителями

Yekaterina Varnava one of the most prominent member of the Comedy show Comedy Woman. On the screen Kate have to adhere to the image sexy, sincere, funny and incredibly energetic girl, but in life, as it turned out, Barnabas is serious and sensitive.

Most likely she was influenced by father Vladimir Varnava – military, which the family had shook the world.

Childhood TV stars took place in Germany. There, Kate found some interesting classes including music, dance, singing, theater.

After returning to Moscow Barnabas graduated from music school, but the idea of becoming a professional dancer had to withdraw due to injury.

Today on the transition to adulthood, the TV star recalls with sadness.

“I was a difficult teenager. Not previously walked, not just hanging out, me is protected – told the 31-year-old Katya reporters. – Now, if we could now have a conversation with me that age, I would advise at least not to shave eyebrows and rolls at night is not there”.

Barnabas admits that she has always considered daddy’s girl and even said she has more in common with his father than with his mother: “Mother was always stricter. She still takes offense when to it come and say: “Kate, you have such beauty − all in the father!”

By the way, her father, according to Katie, is a benchmark of the ideal man: “it is the whole family. It is those qualities that evoke admiration and respect. It is moderately strict, funny, great sense of humor.”

Note that the lover of Catherine Constantine Myakinkov has many traits of her father, so she chose her for a reason: “I was with him as calmly as dad. He’s still young enough, but not chatty, witty and always says the case. I understand that to me the “same” person.”