He explained what prompted him to shave his beard.
Nikita Dzhigurda
Photo: @dzhigurda12 Twitter Nikita Dzhigurda
Nikita Dzhigurda has finally explained why all of a sudden decided to change their appearance. According to the actor, image change is that he intends to retire.
As it turned out, he shaved his beard and stopped to dye her hair in a fiery red color in order to blend in with the crowd and it just stopped recognizing. Incidentally, the Chair was able to achieve this goal.
And in the near future he intends to buy a house on the ruble, and to change his flamboyant life style at more closed. “I’m going to buy an estate on the ruble. It will be a different life. I’m much less likely to appear on television…” — quoted by Ren-TV.
By the way, recently it became known that in addition to beard out of the chair and parted with its former name. New consists of nine words: Jonathan El-air Bratash g pogorzhelskiy background Gan Eden. According to the actor, all the names except two generic. Dzhanatan Bratash and I took in memory of the murdered Cooma, — says Nikita. — With her we were in the European order of Rosicrucians”.