For the health of the artist watch the best doctors. According to some, after Saturday’s concert it is not taken to the hospital, as initially reported by many publications, and in the resort. No information about the cancellation of concerts satirist in November did not appear.
Within a few days the fans of Mikhail Zadornov worried about his condition. In the night from Saturday to Sunday it became known that the comedian was forced to cancel the concert, which was held at the house of culture “Meridian” in Moscow. The artist was taken away in an ambulance. According to some reports, he suffered an epileptic seizure.
Today, the Russian media reported that on Saturday the organizers called paramedics do, but Mikhail Nikolayevich was taken to a sanatorium, not a hospital. In this health institution Zadornov and was is in before the Metropolitan concert. Earlier in an interview, the comedian said that he preferred to be observed by Russian doctors. “I really like our specialists speaking Russian, it is logical. Our doctors heart. The West is a Protocol. “Yeah, you like this picture, then you make a cut, then the blood will go.” And the Russians gathered a Council, consulted and made a logical decision. It will be hard, I understand. But you have to pass”, – said Mikhail.
Mikhail Zadornov about the fight against cancer: “Treatment will be hard and long”
In the official group of the actor in the social network also says that he passes the examination in a sanatorium. “Stop panicking! Yes, quite seriously. But not a disaster. Nikolayevich is not in the hospital and in the sanatorium. Professionals do it the best. So let’s hope that all will be well. Well, then, we are all adults and know that everything always depends on the person. A Nikolaitch fighter,” said the administrators of the community.
Recall that about his illness Zadornov announced on the page on the social network. The actor had to tell about cancer, as due to illness the doctors advised him to cancel a number of concerts. “In such therapy, like chemistry, you need to save power, not to spill them on different kind of side hustle. Look at that Hvorostovsky done! Doing everything right! The doctors I have quite decent and from a professional point of view, and human,” said the comedian.
It is assumed that Zadornova concerts in November and December still held. At least, no information about their cancellation has not yet been reported.