«Бурановские бабушки» вынуждены сменить название коллектива

Lit up at the international music contest “Eurovision”, “Buranovskie babushki” became very popular and now the folk group travels to all the Race-mother with the performances. But the audience could not help but notice that grandma began to look much younger and do not like themselves. As it turned out, “the grandmother” and then live happily in the Udmurt village, but now even the act under which brought them fame name can not – the copyright of the band name for several years belongs to the producer Eugenia Scar.

«Бурановские бабушки» вынуждены сменить название коллектива
The original team of “Buranovskie grandma” for more than forty years. Folk band first sang folk songs outside the limits of the Udmurt Republic did not leave, however, the performance of covers of hits by popular artists brought them to the international competition in Baku, where they made a splash and took second place.
Participants report that went to the competition, to earn the money to restore the dilapidated village temple. When they succeeded, their mission ended. To make a tour, they can’t – most of them under 80 years, each with a vegetable garden and animals – so not concerts.
They continue to speak, but much less frequently and only in the surrounding towns and “without obligations”. This was stated by the Director Baranovskogo the house of culture Olga Toktarev, which at the time, and has United pensioners under its wing. Now there’s a group called “Grannies from Buranovo”.

And who are these younger woman who now pretend to be the famous “grandmothers”?
“They are not from Buranovo and not grandmother. We are ordinary village team and now sing their own songs and not those which we impose. But the repertoire and performances we particularly didn’t like. It is a pity that all of us wisdom is not enough beautiful this story to end. But the quarrel with anyone not want to waste the health of our grandmothers. People will listen to both team and then decide for themselves whether they like it or not,” said Olga.