Построй свою любовь: звезды «Дома-2» рассказали, как проект перевернул их жизнь This month the main telestroke country celebrated the birthday program on the air for 13 years. In honor of the joyous event, some of the most impressive participants have shared with “StarHit” memories of the filming of the popular show.

May 11, 2004, viewers of channel TNT saw the first episode of “House-2”. In front of millions of young boys from different cities tried desperately to build a home and to find true love. In 13 years of existence of the show in the shooting was attended by several thousand people from all over Russia, 19 couples got married and on light there were nine kids. To congratulate a popular project decided one of the most beloved heroes. They said “StarHit” why I passed a casting, what do you think about the show now, and also remembered the unusual moments of life in Perimeter.

The sun

The first who passed the selection and got on the platform was Olga Nikolaeva, loved by thousands of spectators as the Sun. DJ admits that he considers “House-2” a real phenomenon of Russian television. She noted that it is possible to love or hate, but this success has so far failed to achieve any reality show.

“I was on the project exactly four years. From the very first day. I still remember how he flew by helicopter to the fourth anniversary show. Of course, still remember the concerts that we organized. One of them was me wrote the song “15 cool people,” which became the anthem of the “House-2″. Few people know, but he had to walk only three months, after which the defeated were building, and the others were leaving in different cities”, – says the “StarHit” the Sun.

One of the achievements of the actress became the title of “Queen “House-2” and the car, which she received thanks to audience votes. Olga and now, nine years later, after leaving, sometimes watching the ethers. She told that during her stay in the Meadow show was more like summer camp.

“Remember our conversation with the project’s producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. He jokingly or seriously planning to get another film set and run guys into space. You might think that this is impossible, but after sometime and shoot in the Seychelles was just an idea. I can say one thing: “Show must go on!” – said Olga.

May Apricots

A former lover of the Sun – a novel Tertyshny, better known as May in school they immediately gained a huge army of fans. The man has built vibrant relationships, showed unusual scenes and never hide his emotions. The star of the ether believes that the telestroke much inferior to what it was before.

“I congratulate the project from the 13th year anniversary! He is listed in the Guinness book of Records. Then the “HOUSE-2″ was something new and interesting, no excess of romantic serials on TV and, of course, captured the show. Drew, I wanted to see what will happen next… People tend to watch someone else’s life. But everything comes to an end, sadly, and it is always better to close the show when you’re still ahead of the game. And if this did not happen on time, the project should try to revive, if possible,” says Roman. May Abrikosov: “I Think the participation in the “House-2″ creative collapse”

Stepan Menshikov

Stepan Menshikov immediately received the location of the collective with sparkling jokes and sarcastic remarks. Despite the fact that now the man is happily married and has two children, behind him a whole list of novels with the main beauties of the TV show. The comedian admits that she is happy to have this experience.

“13 years is a lifetime! I am proud that he was on “House-2″, where he stayed for a total of five wonderful years. I met wonderful people. I loved gorgeous women. Well I remember the first day when we entered the Perimeter, and passionate love, and fights, and talented rooms, which we ourselves set. Probably the first day on the site, in fact, changed my life,” – says Menshikov.

Elena Bushina

Fatal beauty of telestroke Lena Bushina made a whole career on the popular show. She was not afraid of hard to Express their opinions, get involved in the conflict and build relationships in front of millions. Lena was in the group “Istra witches”, which also included Natalia Varvina and Alexander Kharitonov.

“If you compare the project at the beginning of its existence, and now, he has changed dramatically. Previously, it was with the soul, much love, emotions, hate, anger – it was honestly and truly. Now guys just want to be on the screen, to do plastic surgery to add subscribers. Me personally, the project has provided enormous experience, gave some wonderful moments. Nothing negative was left in the memory now only good. It’s a big school of life: to be able to admit their faults, to look at ourselves, to change. I used to be completely intolerant of other opinions, and only bent his line. Thanks to the “House-2″ has learned to listen, to see, to know, got friends” – says the “StarHit” Bushina.

It should be noted that Lena still communicates with some colleagues on the project. A young mother is often seen with Ksenia Borodina and Natalia Varvina. In addition, a celebrity willingly recalls pleasant moments of your stay at the “House-2”. It turned out that it was not as smooth as I thought many fans of the TV show. Elena’s husband Buchenau: “Hiding money in a sock”

“That’s just yesterday visited nataša Varvina, remembered her as fought to the nines, and then tearfully ran to each other to put up with. The first time we ever see each other is not digested. Natasha me especially. Was once the scene with a suitcase. And here Natasha said to me: “Come on. Many don’t think about yourself. Soon he’ll go to Ekaterinburg”. And after a while learned about life each everything that was possible, and became inseparable. Now I think the project has no such friendship as it was in our time. We then played such a quarrel! Made a real initiation for the newcomers, laughed to tears…” – nostalgic Lena.

Roman Tretyakov

Witty man in the first days of stay on the Playground won almost all the girls. His affair with Olga Buzova still remember and discuss fans of telestroke. However, Tretyakov believes that this story should remain in the past and is now actively engaged in self-development – the novel is a student at MSU, faculty of journalism, and actively enjoys stand-up.

“This is a very serious impact on my life, surroundings, goals and schedule. Everything revolves around this: you have a lot to read, to write, to find out. Although after the departure of “House-2” I started out in television production: was doing all sorts of projects for different channels, led the event. I recently took part in a new TNT show “Open MIC”. Stand-up takes most of my time.”

Tretyakov admits that rarely remembers telestroke, but at the same time agree with the interest of the public to it. He stressed that the show raises important issues, who care about humanity.

“The program touches upon the eternal themes: the relationship between a man and a woman, love, conflict. But all this is present in ancient Greek literature and Shakespeare, so in essence there is nothing new there,” said Roman.

Julia and Tigran Salibekov

One of the most prominent couples in the history of the project are considered Julia and Tigran Salibekov. The young people were able not only to preserve their Union outside the gates of telestroke, but became a full-blown family – the couple has two sons. In honor of the 13th anniversary of “House-2” the star of the Clearing told the “StarHit” as participation in the shooting turned their life around.

So, Julia, in addition to the fame, financial success and Russian citizenship, grateful telestroke for the wife and great love. She admits that the main memories from the program connected her with the frontal locations and check in with Tigran in “the red room”. But then, according to brunette, she had no idea that I’d settle down with this man and thought he was not serious. Five years later Salibekov recalls past events with a smile. Julia Alibekova: “I’m tired of borscht, wash and pop the eternal cry!”

“Afraid to fall in love with him, he seemed not sincere to me. Remember New year when I came Tigran. Then I immediately realized that the young man I like, and it is necessary for him to drive up. But he paid no attention to me. What I just do not go for this: he poured the champagne, somewhere took the teas he had. In General, trying to care. And every time saw him, my heart pounded faster. All these lovely moments I have been associated only with the project. But, of course, thanks to him we were able to engage in self-development, to make two apartments, several cars,” shared beauty.

Tigran, in turn, passed the casting for the sake of publicity. The man recognizes that all his life dreamt of signing autographs and photographed with fans. However, seeing the spectacular brunette on Calvary, according to Alibekova, something inside turned over.

“Initially, I wanted fame. About any love out of the question. Neither about marriage nor about the children. But it so happened that in addition to the fame the show gave me another family. A wonderful loving wife, two kids. And I am very happy and grateful. Living in Moscow, very hard to decide on this step, because the capital of all the busy work. It’s great that in 25 years my first son was born. In September I will be 31 years old and, thanks to the project, I have a lot that is. I discovered karaoke and earned a third apartment. We are still living through the glory, acquired on the “House-2”, – says the businessman.

Interestingly, Tigran still fondly reminisces about time spent on the project. Special thrill he feels about the very first days when everything was new and unusual. It turned out that the man initially hesitated and could not settle into the Perimeter – then for help and came to Julia.

“Twice I experienced the most vivid emotions. At first, when I first came on the show and when I saw my future wife. And the second impression of Ksenia Sobchak. Believe it or not, she personally set me up on a romantic date. I was in shock. My heart stopped, and I speak more plainly could not. Sat and moaned. It only remained to frothing at the mouth went! Of course, still many memories of the “red room”. There Julia and fell in love with each other. We congratulate the “House-2″ with the 13th anniversary. We wish them prosperity and high ratings!” noted Salibekov.

Irina Agibalova

But the audience fell in love with not only inexperienced heroes, but also their parents. The first mom came into the Clearing, was Irina Agibalova. The woman tried to help the daughters – Olga and Margarita is to build a decent relationship.

“They made a lot of project in moral terms. Where affected, but in the end both got married and both happy, both with children. For me personally, too, had a lot of tests. In relation to themselves, their children, and husband. It was there, despite the fact that I at that time was 47 years ago, I put all the priorities. By the way, now and daughters put family first, like me. It can not but rejoice”.

Irina notes that Rita and she learned on the show to defend their opinion and not afraid to show firmness of character. In addition, the family Agibalova learned to deal with personal issues that have previously tried to show not only the audience, but to himself. Also the star of “House-2” recognized that everyday life seems to be very different. Agibalova about the scandal with Africanoboi: “She needs to be treated”

“To me personally after the project became much more comfortable to live than even before. I regarded that as passed through a meat grinder and the one who is strong, who have laid down values, the correct set of priorities, after the project finds itself, and is living quite happily and peacefully”.

But of course the main memory for mothers of large families remain the marriage of heiresses. It in the Clearing they first met true love, got married, got pregnant. Despite the fact that Margarita Agibalova and Eugene Cousin could not save the marriage, they have a son Mitya. And her sister Olga and Ilya, Gazhienko enjoying married life, raising a child together.

“The most pleasant memory is the wedding of Olga and Ilya. Because she was insanely beautiful. You guys are still together and between them they still love and passion. They have a son, put him in all the soul. Love each other. The wedding of Rita with Jack… can’t say that this is a happy moment, because initially it was not easy: early pregnancy, Margaux, and Jack, too, it was somehow ambiguous. But now he has matured and is good at communicating with us. Often comes to the child, helps. Absolutely no complaints. We are all very happy with this”, – said Irina.