Брайан Сингер готов снимать спин-офф о Мистик без Дженнифер Лоуренс

Threats to Jennifer Lawrence that if she leaves the franchise “X-Men”, then it will take another two of her colleagues – Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, the Creator of the films Bryan singer was not afraid.

The Director noted that for him is much more important is the character, which embodies Jennifer, rather than the actress.

Brian said that if Lawrence still refuses to star in sequels to “X-men” and the spin-off of the Mystic (remember, Jen’s still on the fence), he’ll find someone to replace her.

“I believe that Mystic is right on your film, no matter who will play, Jennifer Lawrence or someone else. This character their vision of the world. Xavier could understand the world via Cerebro, but he likes to train people with supernatural powers. Mystic is quite different”, — said the singer in an interview with Empire.

Two weeks ago saw the premiere Russian premiere of a new movie about the mutant “X-Men: Apocalypse”. The film, starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas hoult, Oscar Isaac, and Evan Peters has been very successful at the box office and managed to collect 281,5 million dollars worldwide.

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