Брат Василия Степанова раскрыл правду о падении актера
Mystery of incident that happened with the star of the film “Inhabited island”.

Maxim and Vasily Stepanov

Photo: archive of M. Stepanov

In April of this year Vasily Stepanov was in the hospital with
Perelli arms and legs after he fell from a great height in your home. Any
only versions are not sounded during this time. The truth about the incident said the brother of the actor,
Maxim Stepanov.

“At the time, Bob, going out on the landing, I noticed that
Simon (the cat who lives in the house of the actor) slipped in the door and rushed
to explore the world. Brother behind her. On the third floor was open window — Simon
immediately jumped to the windowsill, about to jump from the canopy entrance. Brother
tried to catch her, but lost balance… Flew three or four meters. As
you know, not the most effective way to commit suicide. That brother
appeared on the visor, testifies that he fell not from the window of our apartment, how
all written and landings”.

Maxim believes that too much attention to his brother
proved fatal to Stepanova. “Starring Fedor Bondarchuk, Bob
was under the constant eye of the cameras. Colleagues in the acting workshop and journalists
thoughtfully argued on television, as Stepanov after such success
to live, what to want and even what to wear hairstyle. And today they did put
brother a psychiatric diagnoses based on rumor and gossip.
The situation is tough on Basil, our entire family, forced to constantly
to justify before the “court of public opinion”. Sometimes I want to send all where
away, but it’s better than we do, Vasya, nobody knows, and I feel
obligated to tell you what actually happened to the brother.”

The full exclusive interview with the brother of Vasiliy Stepanov
read in the new issue of “Collection Karavan istoriy”. Now!