Расставание с женихом привело Кайли Миноуг к нервному срыву
Last year popular singer Kylie Minogue broke off relations with her lover Joshua Sasse, who was planning a wedding.

Расставание с женихом привело Кайли Миноуг к нервному срыву

Recently, the singer admitted that seriously went through a breakup, though tried not to show it to others. And it took a long time to regain its composure.

Расставание с женихом привело Кайли Миноуг к нервному срыву

“I would not want to dramatize the situation, but I had to go through a prolonged nervous breakdown. I was in a terrible state, crying and couldn’t stop. Felt like my entire body failed. I was shaking, I didn’t want anything. My mind simply refused to accept what has happened,” — said the artist.

Now, however, Kylie admits that marriage is likely for her. A relationship with your ex-lover is moving too rapidly.

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