Брэд Питт прошел тест на наркотики и алкоголь

According to the study, for which the actor gave in willingly, it was completely blank.

As reported by the American edition of In Touch, the actor decided to take the test to help the investigation conducted against him on charges of mistreatment of children. “His test came back negative for marijuana, illegal substances and alcohol – told reporters their source in the environment of pitt.

“He knew that he has nothing to hide, so he passed this test, – continues the source. – Any suspicion that he abused drugs and alcohol, clearly are groundless, and that means that if Angelina does not agree to joint custody of the children, until brad will fight for sole custody”.

The other day the wife came to the preliminary agreement: their six children remain under the care of mother and live with her. Pitt had not seen them since the announcement about the divorce and talking to the offspring only through the managers, assistants and nannies.