Божена Рынска вызвала негатив в свой адрес, оскорбив пассажиров с детьми
Journalist Bozena of Rynska has an explosive temper, and it is therefore often becomes the heroine of news.

Божена Рынска вызвала негатив в свой адрес, оскорбив пассажиров с детьми

Bozena recently made a scene at the airport, calling passengers “sons of bitches”. And the thing is that a passenger with a child like skip in front of the journalist, which caused her indignation.

Божена Рынска вызвала негатив в свой адрес, оскорбив пассажиров с детьми

“Landing on our flight there were two unfortunate incidents. Stas Namin was not allowed in the cabin with his small suitcase. The question is, why is he not turned on the check? My little suitcase was empty, and not his. Next, walk to the landing. In the priority queue I was one! Just ahead of Stas, which turned around and went to investigate. But the representative of the Sheremetyevo began to try to hold ahead of me, the passenger business passengers the same business, but with the child is of adequate age, 5-6 years, who was quite healthy and adequate. Never heard that passengers with children should have higher priority than all the other passengers in business class. Moreover, one person – why do I have to wait, stand and wait a second, you sons of bitches” – outraged the Public.

We will remind that the journalist talked about the fact that she in childhood not been the subject of rigidity on the part of adults, and now and itself leads.

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