Борисова решила подать в суд в ответ на угрозы мужа

The presenter wants to obtain alimony from the former civil wife of Maxim Aksenov.

This story is from 2007, when Dana Borisova, a daughter was born. The first five years of the child’s father, Maxim Aksenov never saw it. Then, says Dana, a relationship with a former civil husband has acquired a unilateral nature. That is, he called Dana, but her calls were not answered.

“I’m his number for a long time didn’t know,” admits Dana. He called himself, neither “Hello” nor “goodbye”, immediately voiced their demands.”

And talked. The last straw was the recent birthday of their daughter Polina. Dana called on the occasion of Maxim, and the response to the invitation to come to the restaurant Quattro Camini suddenly responded with a threat.

Day not originally specified. According to This Maxim wanted to come at 11am, but this time she had ordered the Barber ray Samedov, who was supposed to do my hair her and the birthday girl. Then Dana suggested we meet at 13:00, but this time could not Maxim. In General, it is agreed that he will arrive at 14:45, already in the restaurant. And here is the personal presence of threats by SMS.

“You know, Maxim and so rarely seen daughter,” Dana admitted to Woman’s Day. The last time they met about six months ago. And, most surprisingly, Maksim was all the time afraid to stay alone with Pauline. Only in the company of grandparents – his parents. Field for them is the only granddaughter, and Maxim is no more children. But for some reason he’s not eager to communicate, moreover, themselves, and money for her education sends 30 thousand every six months and all. I admit, I have text messages from him scared. But I never want to endure it all. I have been silent long enough. Already hired lawyers, and we are preparing documents to the court for child support. Now on the nose September 1, Pauline must prepare for school, but I’ll go with the statement to the bailiffs with the aim to seize his property or to restrict his travel abroad until he has fulfilled all of its obligations”.

Children’s holiday at the family-run Italian restaurant Quattro Camini cost Borisova 100 thousand rubles. In this Maxim, according to her, gave 10 million, but another 3 helium balloons – then sorry.

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