Борис Моисеев хочет оказать помощь, перенесшим инсульт
In December 2010, the popular singer Boris Moiseev suffered a stroke which is still trying to recover from illness.

Борис Моисеев хочет оказать помощь, перенесшим инсульт

Boris began to pay great attention to health, tries to move: visiting the pool, doing yoga.

Now Moses admitted that he wants to help those who, like him, suffered a terrible disease.

“I would like people to seriously approached the recovery period and not make the same mistakes, – said the artist. – At first I flatly refused to take medication, attend medical procedures, did not want to work with a speech pathologist… a Desire to help all who are faced with this trouble, brought me the idea to open a center where patients could engage in complex rehabilitation.”

The desire of the singer is commendable, the main thing that he was able to implement the plans.

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