Борис Ливанов мог снова попасть с тюрьму из-за обидчика дочери
Boris Livanov has a daughter, Eva, who after the divorce of his parents left to live with his father.

Борис Ливанов мог снова попасть с тюрьму из-за обидчика дочери

Boris – a good father and tries to protect her daughter. He is closely monitoring those who intend to fight for the heart of his only daughter. On the same day on vacation Livanov almost killed the annoying boyfriend of eve.

Борис Ливанов мог снова попасть с тюрьму из-за обидчика дочери

“Girls, those who are on the beach in bathing suits, while their Boyfriends, husbands, fathers think in the nearest cafe on the meaning of life. Remember, you are not safe, while there is at least some other guys. Whether it be a rescue or vacationers, husbands. Most likely, you will get to meet, not always politely and courteously. Find out at least the number to the police and be mentally prepared to gain it back. The day before I’m an hour and a half looking for a young geek who decided Eva Borisovna to meet you, a rather boorish way. On the big happiness, the security of the resort found him before me. In his 18-Yu margarine head, his mother promised to put all necessary information on how “fun and humorous manner” could have ended his meeting with a caring father of a girl,” said the man.

Recall that in 2009, Boris was sentenced to nine years in penal colony for murder, but in 2014 he made parole.

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