Борис Корчевников сердечно поблагодарил фанатов за поддержку Presenter’m glad that there were so many caring people. According to sources from the channel “Russia 1”, on the eve of Boris korchevnikov left the team program. This news stirred the public, and some rushed to Express sympathy for the man.

      Борис Корчевников сердечно поблагодарил фанатов за поддержку

      Yesterday it became known that the actor and TV presenter Boris korchevnikov leaves the program “live,” on which he worked for three years. However, in the TV circles prefer to remain silent, what was the reason that in the spring it will not appear in a given gear. A year and a half ago Boris admitted that he underwent an operation to remove a brain tumor. Some have linked his sudden departure from the program from medical records. Many fans expressed sympathy for Korchevnikov and try to support him in a difficult situation. Some fans even offer him real help. Boris korchevnikov leaves the “live”

      “Boris never wrote, but you if there are problems in medicine, write, and help! A doctor myself and have good doctors to email, I’d be happy, if I may say so! All gratis!”, “Boris, I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery! You are such a bright, sincere person, we will pray for you, everything will be fine! God bless you! May God give you patience and strength! And the early returns on TV, we love you!”, “Boris, you are a wonderful person. Sorry that it happened. Get better, everything will work out. The Lord God and the support of loved ones will help you with this. Most importantly, do not be discouraged,” wrote fans.

      Despite the fact that many celebrities are not often respond to subscribers in a Network, apparently, the words of the fans touched Boris. He hastened to thank those who wished him a speedy recovery. However, the Director Kharchevnikova said that now the health of the broadcaster is not in danger.

      “Boris feels fine, I don’t understand why there are talks about his tumor. This story for two years, he underwent surgery, and no complications arose”, – said the “StarHit” the representative of the presenter.

      In 2015, Boris said in one of the programs that the tumor, which he found was benign. Experts were forced to resort to surgical intervention, as the medicine did not help completely eliminate the problem. The presenter was not afraid to admit to the whole country that had a serious operation. He said that felt the support of family and friends in the fight against the disease. Boris korchevnikov told about the struggle with a brain tumor.

      In March, the place of Boris Korchevnikov “Live” is a TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. He hurried to tell this news to all its fans. Representatives of the TV channel “Russia 1” waive any comments about the reasons for the change presenters of the program.