Борис Корчевников поздравил Андрея Малахова с назначением в «Прямой эфир» The broadcaster, which recently is the head of the Orthodox channel “Spas”, spoke about personnel shifts in a talk show on a public channel. In recognition of the Boris Korchevnikov, he welcomed changes in the life of Andrei Malakhov, which will now work on “Russia 1”.
Борис Корчевников поздравил Андрея Малахова с назначением в «Прямой эфир»

The new TV season begins with this revolution in the talk-show “pryamoy Efir” TV channel “Russia 1”. Place of Boris Korchevnikov took Andrey Malakhov. Predecessor of a journalist leads an Orthodox channel “Spas”. Events on the two main buttons of the country caused a great public resonance. It was rumored that the departure Korchevnikov to do with his health problems. Recently Boris broke a long silence and gave a candid interview in which he spoke about changing jobs.

Korchevnikov noted that lately there have been too many rumors about the reasons why he decided to leave the TV channel “Russia 1”. The presenter has denied speculation that his condition has deteriorated significantly, as reported by a number of sources.

“Changes in the talk show “live” are not associated with my health. Yes, perfect it is difficult to call, but show me a completely healthy people. Those problems which from time to time happen, they are solved. In a sense, they even help me make life truly full and rich internally, we from time to time to overcome. But all is not as fatal as I wrote about this recently,” said the man.

During a conversation with journalists, Boris spoke about the new presenter of “live”. He said that Andrey Malakhov – a professional in their field. So korchevnikov glad appointment colleagues, whom he knows for a long time now. Moreover, in recent days, they, according to Boris, were “somewhat closer”.

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Борис Корчевников поздравил Андрея Малахова с назначением в «Прямой эфир»“I do not dare to call Andrew’s successor, especially because with him it will be a completely different project, as I already told you. (…) As you know, we have infinitely many common themes. In a sense, even in common life! We both live only a profession, and in recent years passed through a lot of common or similar histories and fates of people. For me the true joy that he the man who for many in our country have become a real symbol of Russian television – now will continue to live these destinies with our team on the main channel of the country”, – said Boris.

In recognition Korchevnikov, it initially seemed impossible to combine work in “Live” and the user channel “Spas”. First, the journalist was trying to work simultaneously in two places, but soon realized that it was too difficult. “Something inside me always said that at some time there will be one” sums up a leading.

The head of the channel “Spas”, said that recorded the latest edition with his participation “with the feeling of joy from a very successful season behind”. According to Boris, the program “live” in its previous form finishes the existence. The new transmission, which will soon be aired on “Russia 1” will be different, but will retain all the things for which its predecessor fell in love with the audience.

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Korchevnikov also expressed gratitude to former colleagues. Team talk show “live”, he considers unique in its kind. Gossip that the staff of editors is planning to lay off Boris thinks is far from reality. “On the market those who know how to do this genre. So people will continue to create new, more vibrant project,” he said. The years spent in Prime time on “Russia 1”, korchevnikov considers “a huge professional and personal happiness.” According to Boris, “live” is “honest truthful people’s lives”, writes “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.