Taylor swift was one of the first saw the child actress.
Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds
Photo: Instagram.com
As it became known, 29-year-old actress Blake lively
gave birth to her second child. Gender and weight of the newborn lively and her husband Ryan
Reynolds has not yet announced. We only know that a significant event has occurred
this week at a clinic in Manhattan (new York). Curiously,
women giving birth in the hospital has time to visit her friend Taylor swift. About it
the publication reported Page H. As told to the informant of the edition, both parents — and Blake,
and Ryan is perfectly happy.
That Blake is pregnant, became known in
April. The entire pregnancy, the actress has pleased its fans with a succession of spectacular
outfits and almost the birth teetered on trendy high heels. In
the whole pregnancy was without complications. The only thing that upset Blake,
while she was carrying the child is hot, which it was very difficult. “I
would have banned by law the inhabitants of new York to bear children in the summer. Sometimes I wish
so my water broke, then I maybe would be a little
cooler…” — joked one time lively.
Now, however, all her suffering, associated with
pregnancy left behind. Now Blake has very different concerns and problems.
And one of the first tasks of lively and her husband to choose a name for the new member of his
family. The show, held this year, Ryan vowed that he and his
the wife is not going to come up with for their second child any especially
exotic name. “The last time celebrities call their children so
bizarre that we will not be able has been a surprise to anyone…” — said
Incidentally, the question of a name for their second child
there was no accident. After all, his older, polutorogodovalogo daughter the couple named
quite original. They gave her the name James for a girl not quite
usually. However, in Hollywood names
the style of “unisex” become a fashion trend.
No wonder Mila kunis and her husband Ashton Kutcher is also called the daughter as
boy Uayett.