Блейк Лайвли и Райан Рейнольдс призвали поклонников взять уроки детской сердечно-легочной реанимации

Hollywood the couple Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds are calling on their fans to the skills that can save lives, and not just one. 29-year-old star of Gossip girl, the mother of two small daughters, often says on his page in social network Instagram about fashion and beauty but a few days ago, Blake Rahl recommendations to all parents of newborn children. Lively took lessons in pediatric CPR and called the other moms and dads to follow her example.

On his page in Instagram the actress posted a photo of the class on the background training of children mannequins.
“I can’t help but recommend. I decided to take a course of CPR for children and infants.” — wrote Blake, and added that these courses can go in any city you need to find the address in a search engine. And for those who cannot participate in face-to-face training, there are many videos on YouTube, after which mom and dad will sleep better and know how to act in critical situations.
So it is not known what prompted Blake to this training – the usual fears of the mother over the life of your daughter or 2-year-old James and 9-month-old Inez gave her mother reason to worry in reality.
Meanwhile, Blake’s husband Ryan Reynolds told fans that one day, thanks to the knowledge and skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation of children saved the life of his own nephew, for which he is grateful to the whole family.