Билли Боб Торнтон откровенно рассказал о причинах развода с Анджелиной Джоли
A few days ago, ex-husband of the famous actress angelina Jolie’s 62-year-old Billy Bob Thornton gave a Frank interview.

Билли Боб Торнтон откровенно рассказал о причинах развода с Анджелиной Джоли

During the conversation, the man brought up the topic of relationships with Angelina. According to Billy, that period of his life was the most beautiful. The journalist appeared another question, why, then, their marriage broke up.

Билли Боб Торнтон откровенно рассказал о причинах развода с Анджелиной Джоли

“All because of different life style. Angie has always been open world, but I suffered from agoraphobia,” said Billy.

It should be noted that Angelina was married to Billy Bob Thornton in 2000, but their marriage lasted only three years.

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