Безруков и Матисон снимают новый совместный фильм

In Moscow, started shooting a youth lyrical Comedy.

They have repeatedly proved that we are not only a beautiful couple, but talented and creative tandem. After the painting “milky way” and “After you” Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Mathison embarked on a new joint film project – a lyrical Comedy “Rogue”.

Today in Moscow at Patriarch’s ponds started shooting pictures. About this on his page in the social network told Bezrukov, uploading a picture from the site.

“The new draft of my film company! Film “Rogue”! Youth romantic Comedy! Director: Anna matison, the script – Anna matison and Timur Ezugbaia! Attention! Motor! Camera! Started! Wish us luck, my dear, good!”

About his role in the project Sergey modestly silent. But apart from the fact that he is the producer of the film, Bezrukov will play in it as much as the two characters – father and uncle of one of the main characters.

The plot revolves around a “Rogue” is the story of two students, Artem and Glory, who are struggling to get rich in the capital. In search of money, they get into funny situations.

Hapless students will play little-known actors – graduate School of Oleg Tabakov Denis Nurulin and well-known blogger Yauhen Kulik. Also in the picture involved 20 actors from Gubernskogo theatre Bezrukova, almost a third of the company.