Бейонсе борется с конкурентами за имя своей дочери Блу Айви

Like many celebrities, Beyonce wanted to make the name of their daughter blue ivy as a trademark. The singer had planned that soon this brand will appear in cosmetics,mobile apps, video games, and the daughter, when older, will already have good support in the business.

It would seem that problems with the registration name should not be, however, it appeared that even three years before the birth of first child Beyonce and Jay-Z appeared, the event company with the same name, Blue Ivy company. The owner of the organization is not going to surrender, especially since the company is already well established and to change the name makes no sense. Refused Beyonce even in the registration of the trade mark blue ivy Carter, again referring to Blue Ivy company.
Recall that recently, David and Victoria Beckham have registered my daughter’s name Harper as a trademark (the rest of the kids already have their own names-brands). The British couple was more fortunate, and the name of their child was registered immediately.