Бейонсе не нравилось собственное свадебное платье

Usually celebrities carefully select their outfits and carefully – wedding. But Beyonce was not one of them is the famous singer was not happy with her wedding dress. This was told by her mother Tina Knowles in a recent interview with UsWeekly.

Бейонсе не нравилось собственное свадебное платье
Beyonce married Jay Z in 2008. Then the girl’s stylist picks her clothes was her mother. She chose an outfit that she felt best suited her firstborn for the most important day of your life.

Despite the fact that a celebrity got married eight years ago, fans saw beyoncé as a bridesmaid in 2011, when a celebrity used the video with a private wedding ceremony in the video “I Was Here”.
“I was so grateful to her for what she allowed me to choose her dress, but that day she came up to me and said, “you Know, when you will marry my daughter, I let her choose what she likes, not me. Maybe she doesn’t yet realize it, but she was the most beautiful bride in the world”” said Tina.

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