Мадонна завещала усыновленных детей из Малави своей сестре

Big-time Madonna does not prevent her to do good deeds.

The singer, who is bringing up four children, adopted into his family, two sisters from Malawi. About Madge told personally on his page on Instagram, where she posted a picture together with toddlers.

As it turned out, the desire of the Madonna to help the girls, could lead to failure, and all because of the laws of Malawi, which said that 58-year-old guardian too unreliable for children. Well, you never know what health problems can strike at this age.

Taking into account this situation, Madonna, however, was determined to go to the end. Way out was a will, which the singer had to make. The will States that if Madonna will leave this life before the girls reach 18 years of age, a duty of care is moving to a sister of the singer.

It seems to us that the requirement of a fee for adoption was well founded. And Madonna boy, that is not stopped in his quest to help poor girls.