Бен Аффлек нанял себе «няньку-трезвенника»
Hollywood star can’t cope with the craving for alcohol.

Joint walk with his wife and children Serafini, violet, Samuel. April 2016


Since the beginning of this year, Ben Affleck often appears in public in the company of young women. But these women are purely business relationship with the actor. No, do not think bad, these girls are not employee of the Agency escort services. They —qualified drug treatment specialists that can help alcoholics during the day to cleanse the body, and those who are undergoing treatment for addictions are still not come close to drinking. Ben Affleck bad heredity: Ben’s father, was an alcoholic. And turned family life into hell. When Ben and his brother Casey grew up, his father managed to cope with the addiction. But the family all knew: Ben inherited his father’s genes. The thirst for alcohol has put an end to the marriage Affleck and Jennifer garner. Despite the fact that Ben finished the course of treatment in a special clinic, his wife still filed for divorce. Moreover, it was their joint decision: Affleck admits that he is the beginning and is willing to go through this difficult road to the final deliverance from addiction. However, here he is being disingenuous. Without specialists in sobriety he cannot do. Even at the ceremony of “Oscars” Ben was accompanied by employee drug clinic.

Recently Affleck on a private jet flying to your favorite Las Vegas, at the festival of Comic Con, which took place a presentation of the blockbuster “Justice League”, where the actor plays Batman. Before Affleck are often held in this city the time playing poker, and consequently, tightly applied to the bottle. But this time the actor has taken all the steps to the familiar surroundings of the casino has made him a corresponding influence. He hired an employee of the local Agency for providing services to drinkers “on the wagon”. And the girl drove it into the building through the back door to Affleck’t seen casino poker tables and bar counters. The actor himself gave strict orders to all who accompanied him on the trip, to refuse at this time from drinking alcohol.

Read more about Ben Afflek and Jennifer garner read here>>