Бен Аффлек опять попал в клинику
The actor once again “broke”.

Ben Affleck


Ben Affleck started drinking again, and so serious that he had to return
in rehab, where he had already passed two courses of treatment this year.
Moreover, his success in treatment, as can be seen, while quite small: yesterday paparazzi
managed to shoot the actor in a decidedly drunken state when two nurses helped
him to get to the car.

caught 45 letgo actor at the time, when nurses were almost dragged myself
Ben to the car in which he was to return to blade. We are talking about is
not cheap elite medical facility called Passages. Here the patients generally are
A 30-day course of treatment under a non-standard methodology, which includes
the periodic absences of those who here lies, of course,
accompanied by the employees of the clinic.

as for Ben, he, in the moment of encounter with the paparazzi was completely
form. He walked unsteadily, both his hands laid on the shoulders of his
companions. And when the nurse, noticing the advent of paparazzi, the actor released from its support,
not to put the client in a bad light, Affleck
almost fell. He lost his balance and his so “rocked” in the direction that he barely
not crashed into a tree. But despite the presence of reporters, he
I had to resort to the help of their companions to climb into the car.

this year’s first course of treatment at the clinic, Ben was completed in March of this year, after
what he finally moved out Jennifer garner, who has filed with him
divorce after 10 years of marriage. Then Affleck said that he decided to treatment for
their children — 12-year-old Violetta, 8-year-old Seraphina and 5-year-old Sam. Actor
was hoping to be a better father to his children. However, he had again
to resort to medical help when he’s drinking again this summer — allegedly
under the negative influence of his new mistress Lindsay Shukas which itself is large
a lover of alcohol. But then he has managed to “outpatient” treatment, that is, it
came to the school only in the afternoon. Now, as you can see, the situation has worsened
so much so that he had to go to the clinic for a full course.