Возлюбленная Марата Башарова уговорит его жениться According to numerology, the actor will take his beloved to the Registrar under the influence requests. Also the expert is sure that the birth of a son affect the Outlook of Marat Basharova and renews his character.

      Возлюбленная Марата Башарова уговорит его жениться

      Marat Basharov will become a father for the second time. Son 41-year-old actor will give his beloved Elizabeth Shevarkov. From his first marriage with Elizabeth Crocco Marat is 11-year-old daughter Amelie, which, by the way, eagerly awaits the arrival of her brother into the light. The girl asked when will be able to play with the son of his famous father and his beloved, incredibly touched by the Marat. “StarHit” figured out how fatherhood will change Basharova and if he marries in the end a young friend who will give him an heir.

      “Marat is a winner of a weak numerological code– 22.08.1974 /33 /6. Only one number 1 is masculine, it makes him gentle, kind, and weak-willed in some situations, explained numerologist Vitaly Bograd. But under the rule of “3” is feminine, he’s also very vulnerable. And here oil on the fire adds “2” is independent of his will, the mind, the intellect, which can pile on the speculation of the owner. Literally, “Woe from wit”. Marat is a very gentle person, with an internal complaint, even scandalous, is not restrained”.

      According to the expert, the actor is still married to the mother of the unborn child, but it will not protect her from his aggression. Many remember how scandal turned into a family life with Basharova Catherine Ancharovoj, and, according to numerologist, this can happen in the relationship of the actor with a new lady. However, the birth of a child calmed him.

      “I am confident that, under the influence of Elizabeth’s requests Marat soon marries her. This is inherent in his nature – to keep a woman at his side. But there is one subtle point that can delay a marriage, the birth of a child can cool his ardent mind, as he already “has a bird in the hand”, continues Vitaly Bograd. – Last year, Basharova was loud divorce with actress Catherine Ancharovoj, accused him of beating. And Lisa in this case is not protected from the manifestations of aggression Marat, like Catherine. Salvation from outbursts Basharova in family routine. When he and Lisa will live together and take care of the baby, the habit will take over and calm actor. Very soon we will see Marat in a new project. As for health, you should pay attention to the heart and vessels of the head”.

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