Возлюбленная Криса Кельми совершила на него покушение In late August, the musician has been attacked by intruders. According to the actor, the incident involved his girlfriend Pauline from which the star dated for three years. He admits that a young woman repeatedly stole money from him.
Возлюбленная Криса Кельми совершила на него покушение

The news about the attack on Chris kelmi has excited his fans. Initially, the musician said that he made an attempt at the builders, which the artist entrusted the repairs in the house. However, in the program “You wouldn’t believe,” he accused in the incident own beloved Pauline.

Scammers have poisoned and robbed Chris kelmi

Kelmi said that he met with a young woman in a strip club, and then they started a serious relationship. The lovers lived together for three years, so the act of Pauline was a complete surprise to him.

“She is now hiding. She’s a con artist, murderer. Well, that was my gardener, he quickly called an ambulance. Another 15 minutes delay and I would not be saved. Pauline slipped in my food something strong that I fell asleep, the heart could easily stop here,” said the artist.
Возлюбленная Криса Кельми совершила на него покушение

The attackers stole the artist has a hundred thousand rubles, but the money he cares about the least. The actor admits that much stronger than worries about their own health. Now he had difficulty walking and talking.

Chris it’s hard to believe that Pauline could decide on such meanness on your own. He was sure that the girl who was pressured, forcing him to go on the attack. However, theft in the house of the singer happened before.

“Yes, I have a couple of times he lost the money, once it happened right after the New year. I thought at her. You know, Pauline was twice married and both her husband sat in prison,” – shared memories of kelmi.

Earlier, the actor admitted that he is not going to contact the police. Fans are sure that Chris does not want to bring the matter to the police due to the fact that he still has feelings for the culprit of the accident.

The brother of the famous singer Eugene was familiar with Pauline. He sincerely believed the young woman a decent special, because she made a positive impression. “A very nice girl. She cared about him, he was always there,” – said relative kelmi.

Now Chris is going through only about their own well-being, and the stolen money don’t bother him. He hopes that the incident will not affect his health. Fans of Chris kelmi hope that he will be able to recover in the shortest possible time and return to the stage.