Unlucky, so unlucky. We with a sinking heart, waiting for the speeches of Belarusian artist IVANa at the international music contest “Eurovision” — a young man receives an injury while training for the competition.
Belarusian singer, he’s a beloved actress Nastasya Samburski, stated that his statement will be the most controversial in the competition. Maybe so, as long as the singer has survived intact before it starts.
IVANa producer Victor Drobysh, he is the author of the contest of the song “Help You Fly”, wished that his 21-year-old ward appeared on stage naked, but accompanied by the real wolves. Already during the first rehearsal, IVAN was bitten by a wild animal.
“Working with wild animals is not easy and very dangerous. I close to them could not, and Sania is one of the wolves even hand picked. But he’s a guy brave, the art requires sacrifice. I think that thanks to the appearance with the wolves he will be faster as an artist” — said Viktor Drobysh journalists.
The producer calls not to look for sexual undertone in the performance of his subordinate, and to concentrate on the song.
“Vulgarity, we will not, I hope we get to show the room as it is. The fact that the rules of the Eurovision song contest go naked on stage and with wild animals it is impossible, but the guys from the European broadcasting Union was very progressive and we are now negotiating” said Drobysh.
Recall that during a photo shoot for Eurovision IVAN injured his hand while shooting a bow.