Бари Алибасов живет с Никитой Джигурдой Last Saturday, me for the program came Bari Alibasov, and in addition reports that in the summer of Bari Karimovich, will not believe, will mark the 70th anniversary, we learned from him three news.

      First, the producer and the musician divorced the sixth wife – his former press Secretary Victoria Maximova. And not because of a forty year age difference. Just Alibasov learned that son, Ivan, who gave his wife a year ago, not from him.

      Secondly, he said that in his famous vosmikomnatny Moscow apartment lives today Nikita Dzhigurda. The latter decided to hide from each other, as is very afraid of threats from the relatives of Lyudmila Bratash, allegedly left the actor 800 million inheritance.

      And the third news from Bari Alibasov was joyful. The soloist of group “on-On”, never unyvaûŝaâ the Glory Zherebkin, for the fourth time became a father, spouse Tatiana gave birth to a son. And now the most favorite pastime Vyacheslav began walking with a pram.