«Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…»: что стало с героинями любимого сериала Since the premiere of the TV show, which tells the story of four characters performed by Aliki Laughter, Yulia Menshovoj, Zhanna Epple and Lada Dens, five years have passed. Celebrity said the “StarHit” about what happened on set and behind the scenes.
«Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…»: что стало с героинями любимого сериала

In the series “Balzac age, or All men are bast…” the heroines find themselves in a situation that is easy to imagine in any woman’s life. In March 2013, the screens out the last scene. On the eve of the anniversary of the actress told “StarHit” about funny incidents during the filming of the project.


To the question, was it hard to play the role of Faith, Julia replies: “That’s my job!” But she had no idea that many spectators suffered the events of the sitcom in real life.

“Then I treated teeth. Went to checked the dentist, who had a young assistant, – shares with “StarHit” the actress. – The guy was very embarrassed at the sight of me. See that he learns to speak and afraid. But one day when his boss left the room, still plucked up courage: “let me ask you a question?” I nodded. Feel something bothering him. And he said, “You really have a grandmother?” Surprised almost from the chair fell. Quickly realized that it is probably somewhere in the press saw the title for the final series – “Julia Menshov became a grandmother!” However, at the time I was about 35. Of course, at this age, some women already have grandchildren. But not me. Eldest son Andrew was still in high school, and daughter, Tasia – in the garden. I laughed for a long time, and the assistant had to disappoint!”

«Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…»: что стало с героинями любимого сериала


About the show the actress says briefly: “a Constant cry!” Her emotional heroine Yulia Shashkova often cry yourself to sleep because of men. According to Epple, sometimes in life you have to let yourself feel it, not be ashamed to be a fragile girl.

“In one scene, I slip on a banana peel, – shares with “StarHit” Jeanne. Fall, stops next to completely unknown man and he took me in his arms, drove to the emergency room. Then the plot twists we have a bright romance… Then thought paradoxically in reality can not happen. But over the years realized that true knights is not yet extinct. Parallel to the filming of the series, I played in the Theater of Stanislavsky. Once during the play injured his knee, flew the meniscus, the plaster was applied. And continued to speak in a couple of months with crutches. Often caught the car on Tverskaya. The calculation was by taxi, but slowed only private companies that promised to get free. Every time ten drivers offered help. Then I thought: a woman’s power in her weakness. We don’t give men opportunities to keep us safe, and need. Of course, the novel, and none of them happened, but to the destination they brought me!”

«Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…»: что стало с героинями любимого сериала


Work in the series was the debut for the singer: she first got the lead lawyer Alla Prikhodko. During filming, Lada not only have learned the basics of acting, but believe in women’s friendship.

“The closest relationship I had with Jeanne Epple, says “StarHit” Dance. When the shooting ended, the girls ran straight home. But not Jeanne. She rehearsed with me until late at night. It is not surprising that we have strong scenes together. And a lot of memories. We worked mostly with men. One of them played migrant workers. Then the word was still new, no one knew the difference. Ask Jeanne: “Who is this?” The friend shrugged her shoulders, decided that, probably some puny man. Meanwhile, the Director said: “Workers in the picture!” And there he was – a handsome man, naked, folded as Apollo… We mouths opened, and blurted out: “So that’s it, GUS TARBALL-TER!”

«Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…»: что стало с героинями любимого сериала


The actress surprised many fans still associate her with the lover wealthy older men Sofia the Babitskaya. She is sure: they have nothing in common.

“It is sad that I still want to identify with her – says “StarHit” Smekhova. – Joke: “Apparently, so well played!” Sonia did not have children and I twice mom. When they started to shoot the show, Julia had one child, and Frets and Jeanne – two. But then we Menshovoj caught up with colleagues: she gave birth to a daughter, and I second son. Plus I can hardly be called black widow: my exes are alive and well, thank God, and babickaya buried both husbands. Insidious. Of course, a pity that the project ended. For almost 10 years we have had awesome partners. Work with the girls – great fun, although we are all different. I hope someday to meet them on the set”.