Арсений Бородин расстался со звездой шоу «Орел и Решка»
The musician and TV presenter has put an end to their relationship.

Arseny Borodin and Nastya Ivleva

Photo: Instagram

The star of the new season of the show “the Voice” Arseniy Borodin and host of the TV show “heads and Tails” Nastya
Ivlieva broke up after several years of beautiful romantic relations.
Teleputeshestviya, which is also an active blogger, remained
free for long: it became known that she had an affair with a former participant of “House-2”,
and now an artist production center Maxim Fadeev Oleg Miami.

By the way, being a member of the famous telestroke, the singer broke a lot
female hearts. The musician was attributed novels with Katya Kolisnichenko, Katia Susan,
Varey Tretyakova and other participants of the reality. After leaving the reality of Oleg
took under his wing producer Max Fadeev. And he became an artist: to the surprise
haters, to be extremely interesting and successful. Miami drew the attention of women
domestic show-business — Olga Seryabkina and Natasha Rudova. However, these two
the novel was still a PR, and not real feelings.

“Oleg and Nastya Ivleva Dating for about a month. While they do not live together,
but between the guys strong passion,” — said a close friend Ivlievu. At
to her, the last time the singer and blogger there are often disagreements, but
it about what does not speak.