Анна Снаткина обратилась за помощью к диетологу
The actress was forced to go to a specialist to lose weight.

Анна Снаткина обратилась за помощью к диетологу

Anna Snatkina

Photo: Instagram.com

Anna Snatkina always looks lovely, and the figure of a 32-year-old actress is the envy of any girl. But as it turned out, Anna also has to make great efforts to stay in shape.

after school I joined the film Institute and left the sport immediately corrected
up to 62 pounds, — said the actress. —
Felt great and the extra weight never noticed. However, the teachers hinted,
what the student of Snacking need to lose weight, but I understood it only when started acting in movies. They saw themselves on the screen — with chubby cheeks
and rounded shapes — so upset! Immediately the village on a diet in the group
of blood and lost eight pounds. And then he got them… to Keep the weight proved difficult: I added
a couple of pounds, then using diet dropped. It turned out that perfect
I look at the screen at 52 kilograms. It didn’t quite fit my
growth in 168
centimeters. And diets will not help here, they are good
it for weight loss.

And Snatkina
followed the advice of a nutritionist, who designed for her a special power supply system. Due to this the actress quickly returned to his 52 pounds, and now the regime is trying not to break.

“In this system there is no place for fast food, chips, canned foods, meats, sausages, sweet
the soda — says the actress. — Excludes fried in butter, fish or meat. No they cooked
a: when cooking decomposes what we eat is protein. It is better to bake
these foods in the slow cooker, on the grill or in the oven. If you do not want your efforts went down the drain, then
after eight in the evening it is better to suffer: nothing to eat or drink. Before going to sleep
the body should be adjusted to the braking, not “wind up” below
to digest food. Besides, if you drink water after eight or nine in the evening,
in the morning you may have some swelling”.

About other beauty secrets by Anna Snatkina read here.

Anna Snatkina

Photo: Instagram.com

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