Анна Семенович готовится стать мамой

For Western women have long been the norm that their firstborn comes into the world not to 30, and after this point. It is believed that before that time the woman needs to realize themselves, to place in the profession, to enjoy life in the end.

Women of post-Soviet space such freedom is not familiar. Above each of them is drawn the opinion of others that if your baby is born, when you can break the fourth and fifth decade, you without a twinge of conscience can be called staracademy.

Trying to combat stereotypes come from some of the stars of our show business. One of them is Anna Semenovich.

According to the Busty singer, to 35 years about the children she even thought, because she was interested in another question entirely: “for Example, I’m 35 years old never thought about children. I wanted to implement myself, I was curious to try this life. In my head and had no idea that it is time to give birth, although around just talking about it. This horrible stereotype makes us women miserable”.

S. sure that every woman must understand when she is ready to become a mother. “I made my personal choice — I chose to give birth in adulthood, which I, by the way, fit and already thinking on the topic of motherhood. Of course, if a girl became pregnant, it is necessary to give birth. Child, even if it is not planned, is a huge woman’s happiness,” says Anna about the future.