Анна Седокова показала лишние килограммы
The singer is not shy about its figures.

Анна Седокова показала лишние килограммы

Photo: Instagram

Mother Anna Sedokova is considered to be one of the sexiest women in the Russian and Ukrainian “Nepoklonov”. Men dream to possess her and women to be a little bit like self-confident beauty.

Anna, by the way, and she says that the Daleks in the parameters from the universally recognized norms of modern beauty. She knows that she has a few extra pounds, but… proud of them!

During all of their pregnancies Sedokova gained almost 15 pounds overweight. But gradually, they have left themselves in the first year of life babies. By the way, January 9, her youngest son Hector just turned as much. But Sedokova is still far from its former figure. Most importantly, the singer stopped “sweating” on this occasion and enjoying life.

Photo: Instagram

She was strongly against any diet. Believes that they ruin the body, and from severe restrictions in food will only get worse.

“I came to this immediately. After the birth of Monica’s I went to fashion among Hollywood stars, the nutritionist and the village developed on the carbohydrate diet, consisting of cereals, salads and soups. The diet is not broken, although I really wanted meat, — she said in an interview with the magazine “7 Days”. — A month later saw that she had gained two pounds, and even found on the feet are the first signs of cellulite! Since abandoned the diet and went on a healthy balanced diet, it’s possible abandoning of sweet, fatty, fried and “evening” of carbohydrates. Me a plate of pasta at night is a crime against the figure. And the day I can afford a small serving of spaghetti with vegetables.”

By the way, recently Sedokova told the fans that he wants to have another child!

“Mother of many children and, honestly, the feeling that it has always been. The realization that you have another child that comes only when you count the kids and realize that you have them as much. But one thing is for sure: being a mother of three — is happiness. We definitely will not be staying,” admitted Anna.