Анна Седокова открыла неожиданную правду об отношениях с дочками
The singer made a touching confession.

Anna Sedokova with her daughters Alina and Monica

Photo: Instagram

Sedokova has three children — year-old Hector, 13-year-old Alina and
6-year-old Monica spoke movingly about the relationship with the girls, congratulating them
International day for the daughters.

is when you don’t understand why she get so much candy, grumble to myself,
turn your back for a minute and see on the bed a picture. Daughter is when
you dress up three hours late and rushing out, I hear: “Mama, take this,
you are eighteen!”

— this is when you experience that the sisters do not communicate much, because the difference is big, and
the age in all the transition. And suddenly I heard that all was quiet. Sneak into the bathroom
and there the conversation: “Monica, now we wash you a tummy! Pretend that you
pot-bellied captain!”. And you’re sitting at the door, roaring twenty minutes of happiness until
they bathe. Crying softly, that this is the most happiness not to frighten.

is when you understand that all past due payments at the warehouse where
stored your stuff because I updated the map. Then again I lost it
then all was forgotten. Not had time to make a new one, and you realize that your giant
a TV and a collection of shoes now sell at auction to the Mexicans. Send
sad face and Aline read: “Mom, I’m still in February changed the room
all controlled, because to me every month in the mail comes

is when you have on account of emptiness, at the heart of a cat scratching, and you with horror
imagine that tomorrow you have to pay for the office. Turn off the lights, come to
the crib where they sleep, because the older put the younger. Get in
the middle, realizing that the whole night will be squeezed from two sides, and hear the words
in a dream, “mom we have a Queen! Pododvigat, mommy!”

International Day daughter! I love you, my Alina and Monica. Your mommy”.