Star of TV series “Junior” and “the Captain” live on 13 March at 19:00
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Wednesday, March 14 at live come
Anna Mikhailovskaya. Star of TV series “Junior”, “Captain’s wife” and one of the most
promising Actresses of the theater. City Council will be the guest of Catherine Velichenko.
likes to say: “Never say never”.
Live it will tell you how many times those words
confirmed in her
life. The actress, who rarely talks about personal, first
talk about possible changes in family life. Mikhaylovskaya with
happy to share the secrets of education of his son Miroslav, who
in the summer
3 years will be executed. In addition, Anna is ready to discover all the secrets behind the scenes
City Council, around which in recent weeks so many conflicting
conversations and scandalous rumors…
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During the broadcast, users will have the unique opportunity to ask the heroine of the broadcast questions and
to obtain the answers. The author of the best question will receive from as a gift
a set of luxury cosmetics, French-Korean brand Еrborian. As a reminder,
you have a possibility to watch online stream
not only on the website,
but in our groups in social networks “Classmates” and “Vkontakte”.