Анна Михайловская в прямом эфире подтвердила, что рассталась с мужем
The star of “Youth” and actor Timothy Karataev live separately

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that Anna Mikhailovskaya and her husband — actor Timothy Karataev — parted,
confirmed. This information, the actress commented, giving an interview to Catherine
Velichenko live 7days.ru. The star of “Youth” confirmed
she no longer lives with the spouse.

not divorced, but living separately, — said Michael. — You can tell
broke up. At the same time, we have maintained a friendly relationship, talking, us
a wonderful son, who, incidentally, is very similar to Timothy. With Miroslav
most of the time I spend”.

Anna Mikhailovskaya: “the Statement in the registry office my husband went to apply alone without me”

The star decided to dot the “i” to avoid the waves
new rumors and false conclusions. According to the actress, the son is not yet realized
parents split up. “He used to, that mom and dad are constantly working. And then he
still quite small,” says Michael.

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The couple married in 2013, in 2015 the couple had Miroslav. In
August last year the alarm was sounded, the fans of Michael. They noticed that
from personal microblog Anna disappeared all joint pictures with her husband. In addition
the fans drew attention to the fact that the actress has stopped wearing
engagement ring.