The actress dreams of a big family. According to Anna Lee, she plans to give birth to three children, and also does not exclude that will be able to adopt another baby. So far, the star of the TV series “Univer” is trying to negotiate with her husband.
Star of TV series “Univer” Anna Khilkevich brings up a small daughter Arianna. The girl was born at the end of 2015, and just a couple of months, her star mom is back to filming. According to Anna, the birth of her daughter was planned, because at this point she had a break at work. The actress and her husband Arthur want to have another baby, but waiting until baby is a little older.
“My husband really wants a second child, but I ask him to wait a bit. Today I’m so torn between work and child. No, I pay little enough attention, but of course I would like more. And if there will be a second baby, then my Areashe will get nothing at all. Therefore, it is now to have a child is not ready. Let the first daughter will go to kindergarten, and only then you can think about the second child,” said Anna.
Lee dreams of a big family. The star admits he was willing to take the child from the orphanage. However, they are not fully settled the question with Arthur. Both understand that adoption is not so simple process. Anna admits that we may have to give birth to their children.
“My husband is ambiguously responds to this idea, although I understand that it’s a good thing, and he and I have very good, noble people. But someone else’s child is not easy,” admitted the actress.
By the way, when Arianna was born, Anna was always there for her. Only after she was two months old, they began to help sister, her husband Lee. “I was not ready to hire another person for the crumbs. My daughter had colic, she cried — relatives were easier to entrust the care of Arianna. For us sister, her husband left work, for which I am very grateful. When my daughter turned six months, we have already found her a nanny who is still with us,” said a young mother in an interview
According to Anna, she is not afraid of her pregnancy, because he knows that will be able to quickly get into shape after childbirth. Lee followed the diet, regularly engaged in the gym and did long walks with the baby. This lifestyle helped her regain the weight she had before pregnancy.