Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово» The star of the series “Light the light”, which airs on channel TNT, talked with “StarHit” and talked about the relationship with her husband Ivan, filming with Mary Mashkovoi and competition with other Actresses.
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»

Today on channel TNT launched the series “Light from the world”. The film tells the story of a charming con artist, a girl Light, which after an accident is confined to a wheelchair. To get back to his feet, she needs a paid operation. She began working as a mage-core energetics with Sitoserol, which for a small fee, helps people solve their personal problems. In the starring Maria Mashkova, and friend Sveta Irina, played by Anna Kotova-Deryabina. On the eve of the premiere of “StarHit” talked with actress and found out what she was interested in the project, why she prefers to stay at home and talks with her husband.

Anna, your heroine Irina is a fun and casual girl. In your character have any traits of character in the series?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»I’m not as straightforward as the Ira. She is the girl that is looking benefit. I have a different attitude. People like my character, not much to think in something to take. She always believes that her position in life right.
And how do you act in a given situation? Consulted with someone?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Usually ask my husband how to act. —
Is he the guy in the family? His word is the law for you?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»We usually discuss everything, but he usually has the last word. For some women consult mom. We have a relationship with her. It reaches into our lives with husband, mother takes.
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»
Ivan a creative person, a musician… Not do you have any conflicts of interest?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Now he is a small business. We usually discuss with him books, movies. But the most ardent controversy does not arise. Try to achieve around compromise. In the case of the tense situation we try to talk later when “chill”. As a rule, we don’t yell at each other.
How do you like spending time together?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»We rarely do graphics, so we were both free. So just enjoy those moments when you are together. You can go to the movies, walks in the Park…—
What’s the most memorable surprise you spouse?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Perhaps it was the moment when he asked for my hand. It was a surprise. We just went to lunch in the cafeteria. Shortly before this I had a birthday. He said that he had a present for me. When he reached for the box, I had time to think, “Well, here it is, the ring!” But he gave a chain. I had already disappointed, but then he pulled out a ring. Was unexpected! He knew how I had previously imagined this moment. —
You love to organize and plan?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Yes, there was. In school and University has always been a group of activists.

Where do you like to play: in the theater or a movie?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»I was always more drawn to a film set than on stage. —
How to cope when you find yourself in a stressful situation at work?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»If I’m really tired, can’t sleep, I usually go to Spa treatments. If there is some kind of tense situation, I try to calmly breathe, to gather my thoughts. Always have to rush home because that’s where I can rest easy. —
Do you feel the competition while working with other Actresses?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Internal, of course, present. There are some doubts, so if I’m good? Sometimes there is a feeling of envy, but I’m struggling with it since the beginning of his career. I transform it into energy to improve their work.—
Usually you play in a Comedy paintings. I would like to try himself in a dramatic role?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»In the TV series “the Jackal” I was a victim, even now the project is in the genre of drama. —
Heavy role affect your mood?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»I usually need time to switch back. Of course I have breaks between projects to recuperate.—
What do you like to do in your free time?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»I find it interesting to study people, that is, to analyze, to read books on psychology. Some tips the authors I use. But to manipulate others – can not. —
How did you get on with Mary Mashkovoi?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»She is very gentle, sensitive and a good person. We had a great time working together. We often discussed some books on acting. In difficult moments have always supported each other.
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»
If you confronted with aggression from others?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»It is usually a shame when negativity affects some of your “pain points”. On the groundless aggression is not the answer, try to translate it as a joke. But if I’m in something not right, then analyze your behavior.—
There are moments that you are feeling guilty for wrong actions?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Yes, but with experience became less such a situation. I try to learn from their mistakes, but sometimes I still step on the same rake. —
Made a wish for the New year?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Yes. Before I wanted to, and success in career and happiness in private life. But this year was a turning point. So now I more clearly shaped the requirements for the Universe. And desire are more related to the family. —
Do you plan children?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Yes. —
You are an adventurous person?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»I’m more important than peace of mind and balance. —
Home create a cozy atmosphere? Maybe cook something special?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Yes, it happens. One of my favorite dishes – cabbage pie. I like to bake. When you were little, did mom’s pancakes. I love to eat: flour, sweet… —
People tend to change with age… Compare himself now with the girl you were 10 years ago.
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»Well, I know that a sense of humor and irony has not gone anywhere. My husband and I just agreed on it.
How did you meet Ivan?
Анна Котова-Дерябина: «За мужем всегда последнее слово»It’s a funny story. We studied at different institutions. We were introduced to Kirill Kaganovich. Vanya was playing with him in the same group. However, to communicate we became much later, when a year after graduation, I came to the club on their concert. We started talking at the same company. I looked to the van and thought, “wow, what an interesting man!” How it all began: Dating, going to the movies. But we moved in with him only two years after we started Dating. —
Jealous if my husband and each other?
He was used to that I have a job, so he didn’t have this feeling. But I do not like when he making eyes at me, in me immediately waking up tiger. I always see everything on the face.