The TV host posted on Twitter candid photos. The picture shows a woman posing in light lingerie set that flatters her figure. Fans were delighted by the bold frame of the star.
TV presenter Anna Grachevskaya carefully monitors the figure: sports and visits fashionable treatments in beauty salons, due to which the extra inches on the waist and hips literally melt. That is why the woman is not shy to show my body without clothes. Anna posted a picture in sexy lingerie, decorated with lace, for everyone to see. “Awakened by the sun and sheltered thin lace I breathe it, take her away half asleep, captured without a weapon” – signed post with lines from songs Grachevskaya.
Fans were delighted with the shapes of the presenter. The followers noted that the woman looks great. The top set of beneficial emphasized her Breasts. On the photos can be viewed one of the many tattoos Anna: thigh of the left leg is decorated with a pattern of stars in different colors. Probably Grachevskoe spouse Artem Kuzyakin does not forbid the wife to lay out such candid shots in social networks.
Recall that this summer Anna married a second time. Her choice was a basketball player Artem, who lived in St. Petersburg, but then moved to the sweetheart in the Russian capital. Grachevskaya believes that she was very lucky with my husband, plus he got along great with her daughter leading from the first marriage.
“He is Golden in nature, not afraid to say that it is a gift for me, I’m happy with him as ever. However, sometimes he swears at me – for being negligent to their health. Sternly said, “Anya, your feet are freezing! You’ll catch a cold! Quickly put your socks on!” Artem gets along well with Bob. Wears it around his neck, watching cartoons with her, feeds her,” said Anna “StarHit”.