The singer recorded the soundtrack to the TV series “East-West”.
Previously unknown song Ani Lorak “Cold rain” for the first time
sounds in the TV series “East-West” (Star Media),
which starts on the channel “Dомашний” 17 Oct. The heroine of the story
met his love in Turkey, as Lorak, who for many years of happy
in a marriage with a citizen of this country Murat Nalchajian.
“We have been cooperating with the composer Ruslan QUINTA, the author of the song
“Cold rain”, which is Ani Lorak already recorded, but previously it never
sounded says
producer of the film company Star Media Alexei Terentiev. And when we were looking for
a song for the title credits of the series “East-West”, listened to different
options, but it was the song “Cold rain”, which is soulful
performed by Ani Lorak, was a perfect fit for our project. Of course, the
the fact that Lorak husband — Turks, gives the song extra meaning.
The main role in the TV series “East-West” was played by the star of “the Magnificent century”
Adnan Koç. His character, the fertility specialist Kemal practicing in
Istanbul clinic, falls in love with the Russian beauty Tatiana, the heroine of
Eugenia Vines, arrived in this city with her husband. The novel Kemal and
Tatiana spun so fast that after a couple of weeks
the girl was pregnant. But further developments are the creators
the project so far kept secret.