Анджелину Джоли обвиняют в использовании детей в целях восстановления имиджа

In that moment, as Angelina Jolie said that brad pitt is abusing alcohol and drugs, and allows himself to cruel treatment with children, she has lost most of its fans. Actress slandered yet another legal spouse in order to achieve sole custody of six kids. Believe in the words of Angelina to the public was extremely difficult, because of the stories about how brad is a bad father quickly stopped.

Jolie used the children to frame the husband, but now she “helps” to restore a tarnished reputation. Secular observers believe that the children are the unwitting participants in the struggle Angelina for popularity and favor companies.

Note that the last month, Maddox, pax, Knox, Zahara, Shiloh and Vivienne, visited with her mother in Cambodia and London, always getting in the lenses of photographers while tasting exotic tarantulas, for idyllic shopping at the bookstore.

By the way, such “activity” children has the adverse effect: neither began to look pale, exhausted, tired, while Jolie, seem to have blossomed.

It is worth saying that the use of children for the sake of restoring the reputation – has already proven the Angelina technique. The same way she was when you broke up the family Jennifer aniston-brad pitt, to change the status of the adulterer’s the approximate status of the mother.