Анфиса Чехова заменила на работе ставшую мамой Юлию Ковальчук
The TV presenter has become the new hostess of the popular show.

Анфиса Чехова заменила на работе ставшую мамой Юлию Ковальчук

Anfisa Chekhova

Photo: Press service

CTC and company
“White Media” started filming the fourth season of the popular
the reality about weight loss and healthy lifestyle — “a Balanced and happy people.
In addition to the new name (previously “Balanced people”), viewers will find a new coaching
staff, new location — Sochi — and new host of the show, which was Anfisa Chekhova, succeeding Julia Kovalchuk.

Singer remained an unchallenged leading to
for three seasons, but this year, for the first time becoming a mom, decided
to take a break. This is due to the fact that the shooting of the project take place in Sochi. Chekhov for work on the project together with his son Solomon moved to the southern capital until April. But Yulia Kovalchuk, whose daughter was just two months from participation in the show had to be abandoned.

Replacement presenter was perceived by fans of the show cheers. After all, Anfisa Chekhova, who had lost 30 pounds — is the star that in the fight against excess weight worthy of the title of Professor.

“I agreed to be the host of the show, because the theme
overweight and struggle with it — it’s my beach 14 years old when I stood on the scales and
saw 72 kilograms, says Chekhov. But more than two years ago I finally
was able to lose weight without a struggle and the violence against them – just felt that hurt
me to be slim. My life with the fullness of fights and my mom, so I don’t
know firsthand what it’s like to live in a body that is not love. And I’m ready
to share this with the participants of our show and audience.”

Heroes fourth season steel 18 “weighted” from Moscow,
Novosibirsk, Smolensk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar and other
cities. To drop weight will cook, the mathematics teacher, actor,
the taxi driver, saleswoman, gym teacher, photographer, asemanator not
only. They are waiting for training on new equipment and new techniques, including
yoga and dance aerobics. “This season there is no place boring
training”, – says Natalya Lugovsky. — Each of the coaches will bring
something unique, and I think we will reach a new qualitative level.”

Fight for new life members will be in the background of the Olympic
objects, parks, stadiums and other attractions Sochi. “Work
for the best resort in the country is totally wicked! Because I usually have not such a pleasant
locations — recognized Chekhov. — And, I think, would be easier
to lose weight: when warmer, less drawn to food, and to train in the sun much

Anfisa Chekhova

Photo: Press service