Анфиса Чехова озаботилась фигурой супруга
The presenter teaches the husband to stay healthy.

Anfisa Chekhova

Photo: @achekhova Instagram Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova, who achieved notable progress in weight loss, it is now “started” and the figure of the husband Guram Bablishvili. The TV presenter along with her husband went to Crimea, to go there together a special course detox program. By the way, along with a pair of heals and straineth went and mom Anfisa.

“From tomorrow we will start our detox program. But while I’m upset, it turned out that the hotel is a Paradise for children! Developmental kindergarten, lots of children’s razvlekalok, a petting zoo, pony rides, a children’s buffet. And we went on the detox, thinking Solika adult treatment programs are not interesting, but here is… eh. He would like it here! But already from Moscow did not bring a single plane. Well, when you stop to get upset, I will tell you about the Crimean detox. Yet, we are of course delighted with the hotel.” — said Anfisa.

By the way, not so long ago, Chekhov admitted that her struggle with excess weight began diets or miracle drugs, and work on his attitude. Some time ago Anfisa was fascinated by yoga and has since started to pay more attention to not pressing the topic of the problem of excess weight and your thoughts and what is “going on” in her head. The method proved to be truly miraculous. Chekhova has been significantly transformed and now TV presenter without hesitation demonstrates your changing figure and is even more admiration from his fans.