AnDy Darling всерьез обеспокоила своих поклонников.
AnDy Darling is well known for its successful performance on the musical show “SONGS” on TNT.

AnDy Darling всерьез обеспокоила своих поклонников.

The other day she made an unexpected confession that at 17 years old, doctors diagnosed her with a dangerous disease.

I remember that night I woke up to the fact that I had nothing to breathe. I felt suffocated and as if something was pressing down on my chest and pushing straight down. I couldn’t move. It lasted all of like forever. And worst of all, it was not a dream. Since sleep paralysis periodically returns. And I’ve learned to live with it, – said the girl on the page in a social network under the hashtag # DRUGSDRUGS.

AnDy Darling всерьез обеспокоила своих поклонников.

As it turned out, this phenomenon bothers many, including public figures, so under the post AnDy immediately gathered a lot of comments from people who have faced similar situations and who simply support those who are suffering from it.

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