Андрей Малахов рассказал о трагической смерти любимой

Well-known TV presenter and journalist Andrey Malakhov is now happily married with Natalia Kulevoy, which became his lifeline after the tragic incident with the previous sweetheart of a showman.

Malakhov has decided to tell about the tragic event that took his beloved. The reason that the girl Andrew was killed, in his opinion, was the alcohol.

TV presenter admitted that he saw his girlfriend’s addiction to alcohol, but did not perceive this relationship as something sinister. Only after the death of his beloved, Malakhov understand that alcoholism is a disease which needs to be treated almost forcibly: “My first love died, she’s dead. Seriously if I reacted then to the problem of women’s alcoholism, which was present in the relationship… If I didn’t know that it’s still a disease, not a lack of discipline, perhaps it would be possible to change something”, — said Malakhov press.

As it turned out, beloved Malakhov was born in Sweden and dreamed that they, along with Andrew went there. But the journalist, who wanted to build a career at home, refused. As a result, the girl left Russia and committed suicide.

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