Андрей Малахов прокомментировал интервью с Линдси Лохан

The arrival of Lindsay Lohan in Russia for the recording of Frank live in the framework of the program “Let them talk” is not without its oddities. Hours actress took to finally leave my hotel room. It happened because the foreign star tasted Russian vodka and was not able to speak on serious topics.

Entreaties of the producers of the program and even personally Andrei Malakhov was still Lohan heard and recording of the show took place.

Андрей Малахов прокомментировал интервью с Линдси Лохан

Judging by the photos, which were published in Lindsay and Malakhov, everything went on “hurrah”. A Hollywood star even called the crew to speak with his family.

By the way, my opinion about Lohan expressed, and Andrew, calling it vulnerable and touching: “4:55 and we made it… Tired but happy …Touching and fragile Lindsay Lohan. Interview in the eye, a world exclusive. Talking about the desire to escape from loneliness and danger along the way in the form of a young man named Yegor with rich parents from Russia.”

Subscribers Malakhov admitted that eagerly await the release of the air. All eager to savor the details of the relationship Hollywood stars and Russian major.