Андрей Григорьев-Аполлонов тяжело переживает смерть сестры The artist broke a long silence and told how to cope with the tragedy. According to the singer, his life has stopped, and only the concerts help to forget about the mountain. Fans expressed sympathy and supported the idol.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov long discussed the tragedy in his family. Now the man decided to break the silence and dedicated the video of the deceased sister Julia. The musician does not hide his emotions and held back tears, remembering about the relative.

Sister died of Andrey Grigoriev-Apollo

“I happened mountain, died beloved sister. Unfortunately, my life stopped. Still can’t get over it, every time I think about Julia,” said the singer.

Fans rushed to support their idol. They condoled the loss of Andrei and I highly advise you to think less about the bad. “Such injustice! Julia was a wonderful person. We all know how she stood by you”, “May she rest in peace”, “Andrew, hold on. You will be able to cope with everything,” wrote the fans of the musician.

During the video the actor admitted that he is on tour, but away from home the sad thoughts did not leave. Despite the terrible loss, the Grigoriev-Apollonov and tries to work.

“Now I’m back again with you. I am not well, but life goes on. Julia forever in my heart, and concerts help at least a little to be forgotten”, – shared his emotions the artist.

The sudden death of Julia Grigorieva-Apollonova shocked fans of the band “Ivanushki International”. Sister of Andrew was his main fan, and for all the creative ways supported brother. The woman often went on tour with the team, helped with organizational matters.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollo pursuing real evil rock. Recently a man said goodbye to his mother, and after of life left his friend, Oleg Yakovlev. Beloved ex-member of “Ivanushki-International” Alexander Kutsevol one of the first expressed condolences to the family of Julia.

Oleg Yakovlev can’t bury a few weeks

“And in less than forty days left Oleg, and that did not for you. UHL — so you called Oleg, and also you’re recorded in his phone. You loved him, called “my mishnock” and he loved you. Julia goodbye,” wrote Alexander in Instagram.

Fans are sure that the blows of fate have changed the always fun “red of Simons”. However, they believe that Andrew will find the strength to forget about the tragedy and someday will again begin to enjoy life.