Андрей Разин стал причиной головных болей Леры Кудрявцевой
A few weeks ago, Lera Kudryavtseva complained of intolerable headaches that have plagued her for a long time.

Андрей Разин стал причиной головных болей Леры Кудрявцевой

Leroy wrote in his instagram that you’ve tried all from the German neurosurgeons, to cabbage leaf on his forehead, but nothing helps.

Then Lera was ready to believe in any alternative medicine, if only the pain went away and Then she asked me to find her grandmother, which would be a pain to talk.

In this regard, fans Kudryavtseva remembered that Andrei Razin told me how to beat Leroux head on the battery when it would sneak into the hotel to the drummer of group “Tender may” Sergey Leuku.

Андрей Разин стал причиной головных болей Леры Кудрявцевой

So I decided particularly insightful fans Lera, that those beatings could affect the current state Kudryavtseva and provoke the growth of tumors in the head.

That’s just doctors say that a blow to the head suffered almost 30 years ago is unlikely to be a cause of the current state Kudryavtseva and Andrey Razin is definitely not to blame.

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