Анастасия Волочкова ответила на обвинения в домогательствах
For several months the conflict lasts between a ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and her ex-driver, Alexander Schirmacher.

Анастасия Волочкова ответила на обвинения в домогательствах

Anastasia accused the man of stealing large sums of money, as a result, Alexander spent in jail, and is now under house arrest. Recently the spouse of the man said that Volochkova had assaulted her husband.

Анастасия Волочкова ответила на обвинения в домогательствах

“Even as something funny to comment on the words of this man. A lie from first word to the last. I think he’s free these fables says? No, of course. I understand that TV’s a rating that any story about Anastasia Volochkova has hit with the audience. But let’s not forget that Skirtach is under investigation, his Scam is currently being studied. Apparently, Skirtach conveniently transfer all of the personal niche, because, in his opinion, it diverts attention from the main thing – his stealing and lies,” he responded to these allegations Volochkova.

Anastasia believes that Skirtach is under the influence of his wife that causes him to lie.

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