Анастасия Приходько испугала фанатов болезненной худобой Ukrainian singer posted a photo hitting subscribers to its excessive thinness. After the birth of the second child the star is strongly complexed and is now brought to followers in a new light.

      The appearance of Anastasia Prikhodko has changed dramatically. After August 2015, the star gave birth to a son, she is greatly recovered, and it gave her peace of mind. But, according to most Actresses, birth was given to her easily, and she quickly managed to recover. In an interview, Prikhodko said that during the second pregnancy continued to perform on stage.

      “I gave recitals, and then lie down behind the scenes. It is a pity that I can not get into the Guinness Book of records for rapid recovery after childbirth! There’s probably no such”, – says the singer.

      A year after the completion of the family Anastasia shared their achievements with fans Anastasia decided to share their own achievements. She managed to lose over ten pounds. Fans liked slinky black dress that emphasized the chiseled figure of a star. In Instagram, the 29-year-old singer did not hide from subscribers like have achieved such amazing success.

      “49 kilos, I am very proud of it! It took a long time my weight loss, but sleep, nutrition, and desire for beauty has helped me become like this!” – shared joy Prikhodko.

      Followers appreciated the efforts of the artist, however, there were also those who admitted that Anastasia looked good and to radical transformation. According to fans, with a growth of 170 centimeters and 49 kilograms are a critical mark, and on the singer to lose weight is not worth it. Anyway, the majority drew attention to the shining mom of two children and is often advised to please such kind of images. However, in the next post Prikhodko appeared more familiar to her: jacket-black leather jackets, jeans and sneakers.

      “It’s worth often wear dresses, so chic!”, “Good, that’s perfect!” “Nastya , well, black. How do you put it on! You can’t escape yourself. Pretty woman” – written by subscribers.